The world sucks, I happen to pass the time by Playing Steam, Worms, Battletech, Starcraft1, and Messing around on the internet. I also like to draw. I made up a cast of characters for an animation series, but so far, it hasn`t left the ground.



A Big Useless Building

Trapped in my own head

Joined on 2/24/08

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1,700 / 1,880
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Posted by BLIZZARDLIZARD - September 29th, 2010

quick question, i have a couple of violent and generally screwy drawings about killing sonic chars, by violent unnecessary and grotesque means, they may or may not be colored, generally not tho.

this post is a list of all my other posts. check out the ones you find most interesting.
1) yo!
2)new characters
3)speak your mind, newgrounders!
5)zombie generater
6) NG f***ing sucks!
8)well, shucks
9)well, sorry!
10) any good games/movies lately?
12)check this out!
14)yucky recipes!
15)flash animation
16)poke`mon fans!
17)OH MAi gaWD!!!
18)art portal
19)oh noes!
20)you can now check out some of my art!
21)cute things!
22)please hurry!
23) your favorite battlemech.
24) this one.
all of the names are the same as they are on the post as to hold easy access.

you can also see my art here: http://blizzardlizard.newgrounds.com/a rt/

in the mood for a spook?---> http://blizzardlizard.newgrounds.com/n ews/post/503895



You fucking suck. Go fuck a duck kid.

this is the internet. i mention this so that i can point out that you are non existent to my eye and that you dont matter. do the world a favor and step in front of a train.

1337ratez2k9 is ma friend , one of my best, if he dislikes you, i dislike you!

I`ve gone back and forth to please you edark, but if you dont like me i dont mind.
im just going to ask that you think for yourself.

(" ) <meh)

dude sorry i havnt responded to your messages iv been...doing some life stuff and i was unaware of the inbox feature when i came back to newgrounds...i was born blonde please forgive me, if u do want to contact me from now on i suggest using youtube (username: tehremnants) or leaving a comment on my post instead of using the inbox on newgrounds

again im really sorry

oh. okay, i dont have a youtube (i know, sad day.) so i shalt be using you post.

You did something worthwhile to the portal


what have I done that deserves praise? my art?

ey, brah.

`s`goin` on my ng friend?

no idea? me neither.

What do I click if I don't give a fuck about any of them?

nothing, you don`t have a platypus (so to speak,) and should gtfo my page.

go home. go away, have a nice life.

lol, 21 BBS posts

lol at this post. i had totally forgotten about that picture.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it actually wouldnt be that much of a surprize. i intentionally wont turn around if i see you coming, as you are homosexual, and wouldnt want to put you out of a good time. just signal it`s you, or don`t, you`re all welcome in my 'house'.

or housing, rather.

You got some cool art.

thank you, comment and rate!



of course im omtish. not like you`ll ever find out why i agreed to that.

quit asking people to look at your art dipshit

why? it`s not likke you`ve done anything special for me, i`ll take the title "dipshit" as my newest title from you. thank you fro messanging me irrelevant.

NG Radio Chat is back up :D

:( )


u can suck my wiener

On what grounds, sir?
Like, Full cowgirl, or what?

Specifics please!


OYESH. do want.

Heed my words, evildoers! If thou dost wish to challenge Odin's son, thou will face%uFEFF the divine power of mighty Mjöllnir! NEVER SHALL THE GOD OF THUNDER RELENT!"

i would dost challenge, how mayest we evil doers accept, is there like, a fill-in sheet?

Comment on my news post

kaykay, pending.


go here c++ <a href="https://www.dreamspark.com/Products/Product.aspx?P">https://www.dreamspark.com/Products/P roduct.aspx?P</a> roductId=9

thank you for the link, i will use it when i can, as soon as i can.

No, do the world a favor and get a fucking life.

Also, stop rehashing old /b/ memes.